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Exhibitor Marketing Tools
Elevate your Business at the ISA Calgary Show!
Now that you’ve secured your booth at ISA. What’s next?
Take the time to plan your pre-show campaign to ensure success at the show. Are you launching a new product or service around the same time as the event? Do you have big news to share? Are you planning to demo your product? How are you going to let prospects know you’re exhibiting?
Take advantage of the marketing tools below that will help take your brand to the next level. Below, you’ll find marketing insights and tips to help you get the most of your time at the show, plus resources to promote your presence.

Make use of the ISA Calgary Show logo in your marketing assets to establish your presence at the show!

Download these marketing graphics to spread the word about your attendance at the show!

Distribute, and or share the exhibitor tickets to give to your network for complimentary access to the Exhibition!